Saturday, December 24, 2011

Testimoni : Biaya investasi Google Apps hanya 50% dari .......

Halo Googler,

Pada minggu ini kami ingin menyajikan informasi berupa testimoni hasil wawancara 'Washington Techology' kepada Vivek Kundra, Chief Technology Officer kota Washington.

Untuk meyakinkan pemimpin kota bahwa pemerintah daerah harus melakukan penghematan biaya dalam hal teknologi seringkali menjadi hal yang sulit. Lain halnya dengan Vivek Kundra. Beliau mempunyai jurus jitu : mulai dengan jumlah yang sedikit. Resiko investasi sangatlah kecil ketika suatu suatu proyek dimulai dengan proyek percobaan. Jika berhasil, proyek dapat berkembang, katanya. Jika gagal, kerugian yang ditimbulkan tidaklah signifikan.

Seperti apa wawancara Kundra dengan Staf penulis Washington Technology, Doug Beizer tentang Teknologi dan peranannya bagi sebuah kota besar di Amerika Serikat? Mari kita simak.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A look back as we move ahead: Gmail and Google Calendar

Google Apps has come a long way since its introduction a few years ago, with continuous improvements every week rather than disruptive shifts every few years. It’s like watching your kids grow up; you don’t notice the changes from day to day, but look back at a photo from last year and the differences can be striking.

Today we’ll take a look back to revisit key innovations from the last few years with Gmail and Google Calendar, and many of the capabilities below have become customer favorites

Designed for Teams
Google Apps makes working in teams easier. Gmail and Google Calendar support teamwork in ways that traditional applications just can’t offer. Give these features a try if they’re new to you, or take a fresh look if it’s been a while:
  • Have an instant message conversation right from your inbox, and once you’re chatting, switch to a voice, video or group chat. It all works in the browser, not in another application.
  • When a contact isn’t online to chat, call their phone right from Gmail with your computer’s speakers and microphone.
  • Gmail helps you connect with the right people when you send traditional email messages, too, with full-fledged capabilities first tested as Labs features. By analyzing signals in your email, Gmail recommends recipients you might have forgotten, and displays a warning when you might have added the wrong person.
  • Once you’ve started an email conversation, Gmail’s people widget shows how you’ve interacted with recipients recently over email, in meetings and through shared documents.
  • Google Apps supports over 40 languages, and automatic translation can really help break down language barriers. Gmail’s message translation feature instantly converts foreign text to your native language. Translation bots provide real-time translation in chat, so you can even IM with people in other languages.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Gmail and Contacts get better with Google+

We want to bring you a great experience across all Google products which, for Gmail and Contacts, means understanding what you care about and delivering it instantly. With that in mind, we’re introducing some new integrations with Google+ that we think will make Gmail and Contacts even better. If you use Google+, you can now grow your circles, filter emails and contacts by circles, keep all your contact information up-to-date automatically and share photos to Google+, all right from Gmail and Contacts.

Grow your circles from your email
Now when you open an email from someone on Google+, you can see the most recent post they’ve shared with you on the right-hand side of the conversation. If they’re not in your circles yet, it’s easy to add them straight from Gmail.

Top ten advantages of Google's cloud

Compared to on-premises, hosted and "software plus services" technologies, Google's multi-tenant, Internet-scale infrastructure offers faster access to innovation, superior reliability and security, and maximum economies of scale.

1. Cloud computing is in Google's DNA

Google has been pushing the technological bounds of cloud computing for more than ten years. Today, feedback and usage statistics from hundreds of millions of users in the real world help us bring stress-tested innovation to business customers at an unprecedented pace. From our consumer user base, we quickly learn which new features would be useful in the business context, refine those features, and make them available to Google Apps customers with minimal delay.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Google Apps mendorong bisnis berjalan lebih Baik

Aplikasi perpesanan dan kolaborasi berbasis web Google tidak memerlukan perangkat keras maupun perangkat lunak dan kebutuhan administrasinya pun minimal, sehingga menciptakan penghematan waktu dan biaya yang sangat besar bagi bisnis.
Pengguna akhir dapat menggunakan antarmuka Microsoft Outlook yang sudah tidak asing untuk email, kenalan, dan kalender saat beralih ke Gmail dan Google Kalender.
Sebuah perusahaan penelitian terkemuka menemukan bahwa biaya Google Apps hanya sepertiga dari yang dikeluarkan untuk solusi yang ditawarkan kompetitor.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Suggested Times in Google Calender

Creating an event is easy, but finding a time that works for everyone is sometimes tricky and time consuming. To make this easier and save you time, Google has added a new 'Suggested times' feature to Google Calendar.

To get started, create a calendar event, add guests and click 'Suggested times'. The resulting list will include upcoming times where all participants are available. For example if you want to create an hour long meeting with Ahmad Marzuqi and Johannes Candra, and They already has an hour long meeting at 10am, then times like 11.30am and 12pm will be suggested.

As part of Google's ongoing commitment to accessibility, the list can also be navigated using the arrow keys and is accessible with a screen reader.

For more information, please visit the help center (Source)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Experience the new look of Docs and Sites

We began rolling out these improvements in early August with the documents list and have since upgraded our entire collaboration suite. You may have noticed that our new look matches other recent Google visual updates, which aim to bring a consistent, improved experience across our products.

Your content is what’s important, and we aim to highlight it with this new design. You’ll see clean menus and toolbars, prominent action buttons, and colorful presence that pops when you’re editing with others. 

To people who opted-in to try the new look — thank you. Based on your feedback, here are some of the improvements we made:

A fresh start for Google presentations

A year and a half ago, we released completely new document, spreadsheet and drawing editors. Google Docs has been picking up speed ever since with more than 60 new features and millions of new users. Today we’re rounding out the suite by previewing a new version of presentations with faster collaboration and more features.

A collaborative approach 
Presentations are made to be shared—whether it’s presenting your thesis to your professors or inspiring colleagues at a conference. And the best presentations are made together, collaborating with others to build a compelling story that captivates your audience. Creating presentations together is easy because you can:

Google+ is now available with Google Apps

Google Apps fans, today we’re ready to add you to our circles. Google+ makes sharing on the web more like sharing in the real world, and now Google+ is available to people who use Google Appsat college, at work or at home.

Starting now you can manually turn on Google+ for your organization. Once Google+ is turned on, your users will just need to sign up at to get started. For customers who use Google Apps for Business or the free version of Google Apps and who have chosen to automatically enable new services, Google+ will automatically become available to all of your users over the next several days.*

Gmail’s new look

Back in July we showed you a preview of Gmail's new look, and we’ve been working this summer to make even more updates and improvements. Today, we’re giving you an in-depth look at the new design. If you like what you see, over the next few days you’ll be able to switch to the new look by clicking on Switch to the new look in the bottom-right of Gmail.

A new way to connect with Gmail and friends

Today, the Google+ team launched Pages, a new way for you to build relationships with the things you love. We’re looking forward to connecting with you on our new Gmail page on Google+.

When you add the Gmail page to your Google+ Circles, you'll see updates from our team, including

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Google Apps Addicted

Berkat Tuhan yang maha esa, SADA Systems Asia sebagai salah satu Google Apps Partner pertama di dunia meluncurkan blog baru. Blog ini kami buat dengan tujuan memberikan informasi yang menarik mengenai Google Apps yang telah terbukti meningkatkan produktifitas, penghematan biaya dan efisiensi perusahaan hingga 60%.