Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sure Indonesia gains better IT management with a low cost by using Google Apps

Being established in 2011, PT Sure Indonesia (Sure Indonesia) is a new company focus on the development of social economy and culture. They initiate comprehensive social development program that is known as Smart Village. This program included several aspects such as education, health, green energy saving, agribusiness, mining, social economy and culture development.

As the new company, Sure Indonesia is considered fast-growth company with more than 200 staffs. Sure Indonesia’s head office is located in Tangerang, Banten.

Smooth communication is needed among the staffs in a company so that they can work together to achieve the company’s goal. The same goes for the communication with customers. For a company like Sure Indonesia, communication among staff and departments and with the customers is certainly fundamental in order to make the company can work well to embody their programs and serve the public. Before moving to Google Apps, Sure Indonesia experienced challenges in sending and receiving emails as well as sharing and managing data.

Each staff used their private email to do company’s correspondence. First, the emails sent out does not represent the company. Second when the employee leaves, the data is gone with the employees. The company is losing valuable information.

The absence of company email was also making Sure Indonesia at risk since they did not have total control on their own data. There was no security assurance because they could not manage those who could access the data. It was really essential that Sure Indonesia had their company email system.

Solution with Google Apps
SADA Systems Asia then introduced Google Apps for Business to Sure Indonesia. The team at Sure Indonesia welcomed Google Apps for Business as their messaging and collaboration solutions. Emails with company domains, having control over the email data with Google Vault, collaborating internally and externally using Google Drive really being appreciated by Sure Indonesia to run their businesses.

“Using Google Apps for Business is indeed very helpful especially in company correspondence, sharing and controlling our data so that the company’s confidential will be securely managed. Our company is also more representative by having our company name domain in emails,” explained Johan, who found that Google Apps with its rich features has made a great impact in the communication among the staffs’ and clients.

For the IT Department, Johan expressed that his company can save more on IT cost with Google Apps for Business. They do not need to invest in high price to the server, hardware maintenance, and licensing. With the SLA 99.9%, Sure Indonesia can focus on their business process and not to worry about managing email.

“Overall,” said Johan, “using Google Apps is making us easier in doing the tasks, secure in sharing and accessing data, and really cost-saving. It is the apps that every company should have.”

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