Thursday, November 1, 2012

Universitas Surabaya Gone Google

One of the first 10 Google Apps for Enterprise partners worldwide, SADA Systems Asia has developed a proven track record in successful implementations of Google Apps solutions for the higher education market. SADA works closely its clients to create custom, leading edge solutions that strategically meet their business and institutional objectives.
Universitas Surabaya is often abbreviated as UBAYA, founded on March 11, 1968. Currently, UBAYA already has 7 faculties with 20 study programs. The process of education itself implemented in three campuses: teaching and learning activities conducted mainly at Tenggilis Campus and Ngagel Campus, and Trawas Campus - which is an Outdoor Campus located in Trawas, approximately 60 kms from Surabaya.

Ubaya provided mailbox with a very limited quota to every staff and student but year after year it had been challenging because of the high cost of maintaining and upgrading infrastructure every year. It also required resources to maintain, update and keep the mail server from outside attack.

SADA works with Ubaya to ensure the migration process went well and smooth. SADA provides assistance creating Single Sign-On (SSO) so that the system can be integrated with previous Ubaya systems, SADA also provide training to trainers/early users so that they can use Google Apps in Optimal, SADA also help provide change management so that the process of change from the old mail server to Google Apps known and used optimally by the entire academic community Ubaya.

Google Apps is being used in the university to improve the communication and collaboration between students and teachers. Additionally, having Single Sign On application that is integrated with existing portal of the Universitas Surabaya it makes it easier for users to access their mails, documents, and calendars.

“The process of implementation of Google Apps for EDU at the Universitas Surabaya runs smooth and as expected. Gooaya development, branding of Google Apps for EDU at the Universitas Surabaya, in such way runs greatly with help from SADA Systems Asia. SADA also has provided various training and development collaborations ranging from the deployment, implementation, communication plan, up to Go Live. Professionalism of SADA has contributed a lot so that there is no significant obstacles during the various stages.” Said Stephanus Eko Wahyudi, Head of IT department.

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